Words For the Writer’s Soul Magazine is a free quarterly publication from For the Writer’s Soul, where our goal is to support, inspire, and walk alongside writers from around the world. Our tools and resources are designed to nourish your soul and support you on your writing journey.

Thoughts and Inspiration

A collection of quotes, insights, and advice from writers, unfiltered, in their own words.

As the following quotes show us, the ways we treat ourselves and others is important. Intentionally choosing to lift up rather than cut down can make us feel good, help others to feel supported, and contribute to making the world a better, more cooperative place for us all.

“Even one word of encouragement given at the right time can make a world of difference. There was a time when I considered not writing anymore. I told an acquaintance, and she said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I would have liked to read what you have yet to write.” Those few words kept me going. That’s all it took.”

~Will Brennam, a writer and father of two who lives in Cornwall, England. Through his writing, Will longs to capture the beauty he finds in the world and help others to experience the joys of life.

We all need to recognize and celebrate each other.”

~Mary Peraro is a writer and retired educator (after 39 years) who loves learning, journaling, and reflecting on life’s experiences.

I value and appreciate other writers. I have no interest in competing with them. I have learned that we are on the same side.

~Philis McCloughlin, a poet and visual artist from Michigan who shares her love of words and beauty as a regular contributor to blogs and magazines.

“I like the idea of deliberately choosing to touch someone’s heart in a beautiful and positive way. It not only benefits others, but also us in return.”

~Kathleen Ruby, a dedicated mother, nana, counselor, dog mom, beach-walker, and writer.

“I have realized how good it is to be kind to one another. I think that we all need to care for and love one another.

~Andrea Winterbottom, a writer from Canada who enjoys writing short stories and poems. She has self-published two books (10 years apart).

We can so easily make the world around us a better place just by taking notice of those around us, and taking the time to share our words with them. Our words are wonderful gifts to share.”

~Scott Forrester, a writer and sexual abuse survivor from Missouri who believes in the magic that can be found every day if we only choose to see it and feel it. Scott holds a profound appreciation for words – whether from within or those received as gifts from others – because they help to make sense of it all.

I hope you are moved and inspired by these quotes, and that you find support within these words to hold onto as you step forward on your writing journey.


Little Note, Big Impact

Lifted from Within