Words For the Writer’s Soul Magazine is a free quarterly publication from For the Writer’s Soul, where our goal is to support, inspire, and walk alongside writers from around the world. Our tools and resources are designed to nourish your soul and support you on your writing journey.

Choosing Brave

Insight into making the powerful choice to step forward in the direction we feel is right for us.

Sometimes, bravery is a choice. Even when we’re afraid and uncertain, we can choose to push through the fear in order to step forward in the direction we feel is right for us. 

Fear can be useful when it stops us from doing something that could be harmful or dangerous. But when it stops us from doing what we know in our hearts is right for us, then the fear is only holding us back. 

Sometimes, the more we give in to fear, the deeper it can take hold, the larger it can grow,  and the more it can limit us. From not using our voice, to not embracing our truth, to not exploring the possibilities of the road ahead – fear can limit us and undermine the potential of our writing journey. 

It is then that we have the opportunity – and perhaps even the responsibility – to choose to be brave. We have the opportunity to decide that our truth, our goals, and our dreams are important to us and worth fighting for. 

Choosing to be brave is an act of self-investment. It is a way of saying, “I believe in my dreams, and I refuse to let fear stop me.” 

A Beautiful Choice

When we recognize that fear might be holding us back, keeping us from writing what’s in our hearts, from taking chances in the direction of our dreams, or from expressing our truth, choosing to be brave is a beautiful choice.

This choice is captured and expressed wonderfully here: 

“Lately, I have been thinking that I need to be more bold. Speak my truth, push myself out of my comfort zone…shake up my world a bit. I have grown braver as I have grown older, but I have also gotten used to a certain level of comfort. I have a huge need to feel safe, to know that I have an escape plan, that I can eject myself from anything that I feel may be threatening my peace of mind.

But today… today I will face my fears, knowing they will always be there on some level. I am “good enough”, I have a voice, and it deserves to be heard. I will walk through this day knowing that I can trust my voice to be brave and bold.”

~ Marjorie Baskerville, a writer from Vancouver Island in Canada who is currently working on becoming more at home in her garden of thoughts, planting seeds, and tending to herself in ways she never did when she was younger.

The insight Marjorie captures here shows us that even when fear is present, we can choose to be brave despite it – and that doing so is a beautiful way to invest in our writer-selves and step toward our dreams.

Making the Investment

If we wait for fear to not be present, we might be waiting for a long time. Fear usually will not just go away, and the more we fuel it, the stronger and more limiting it becomes.

When you have a choice to invest in your dreams and step forward on your path, choose to believe in yourself and just go for it. Accept yourself as you are – fears, doubts, and all – and give yourself permission to trust your voice and believe in your potential. Gather all the strength you can and step forward anyway.

Invest in your writer-self by focusing on your dreams. Choose to invest in your potential. Choose, as Marjorie so beautifully writes, to walk through this day knowing you can trust your voice to be brave and bold. 


To Give and Receive

Writing is an Act of Bravery