No. 001

Welcome to the first issue of Words for the Writer’s Soul Magazine. I am so glad you’re here, and I sincerely hope you love the words and insights shared here as much as I do.  

We’re starting with the theme of BRAVERY for several reasons. First, it is something that can make or break a writer. The lack of it can hold writers back – or keep them from ever stepping down the writing path to begin with. Bravery is also something that can be developed and cultivated if we’re intentional about it, so exploring the importance of it, techniques to cultivate it, and insights into embracing it on your writing path can be immensely beneficial to writers at all stages of their journey. 

This magazine gathers ideas and insights that writers have uncovered during (or as a result of) one of our courses. I’m grateful for their beautiful words and their willingness to share. I hope you enjoy, and that the words within this magazine are of benefit to you.

In this issue, writers from around the world share personal insights, experiences, quotes, and poetry on the topic of being brave as a writer. We also have included tips to help you welcome bravery into your life and empower yourself on your writing journey. After all, bravery is what allows us to share and shine. Thank you for joining us here.

~Melanie, Founder of For the Writer’s Soul


Writing is an Act of Bravery

A reflection on acknowledging our vulnerability and writing anyway – fear and all.

Choosing Brave

Insight into making the powerful choice to step forward in the direction we feel is right for us.

Thoughts and Inspiration

A collection of quotes, insights, and advice from writers, unfiltered, in their own words.

Big Breath In, Bold Step Forward

Q&A with one woman on her decision to write her first book at age 72.

Sharing a Poem

"Submitting it was the victory!" A writer's insight into letting go of expectations.

5 Ways to Embrace Bravery as a Writer

Tips to welcome bravery into your life and empower yourself on your writing journey. 

It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the bravery and altruism of the writers who contributed to this magazine. Their insights, experiences, quotes, and creativity offer support and inspiration for us all to embrace on our writing journey. Thank you!