Words For the Writer’s Soul Magazine is a free quarterly publication from For the Writer’s Soul, where our goal is to support, inspire, and walk alongside writers from around the world. Our tools and resources are designed to nourish your soul and support you on your writing journey.

Writing is an Act of Bravery

A reflection on acknowledging our vulnerability and writing anyway – fear and all.

As writers, we take our thoughts, our innermost musings, our deepest ideas, and our personal curiosities… and we express them through words. We take what is held deep within us and express it on the page. 

Doing so comes with risk. When we keep our words to ourselves, they are ours alone, private and safe. But once they are released, they exist outside of us and are vulnerable to the response of others. 

It takes courage to open ourselves up in this way. And for many writers, it is a challenge that can create a seemingly insurmountable hurdle on their writing path. For some, the feelings of vulnerability can be so overwhelming that it stops them from writing what’s in their hearts and sharing their truth. 

We’ll never know the extent of the loss that comes as a result. How many beautiful words have gone unshared because writers felt too vulnerable? How many lights have never had the chance to shine?

Being held back by feelings of vulnerability stifles a very important part of us that longs to speak and be heard. It sends a message to our writer-selves that we are prioritizing the response of others over our own need to write.

One of the most important ways we can invest in ourselves as writers is to acknowledge our vulnerability and focus on the potential of our words.

This attitude is expressed wonderfully here:

I put myself out there with my writing, and by being gentle with myself, when it comes to the opinions of others, I know that art is personal – some people will like it and others won't. So what? I have done my best, and I have put my work out into the world. By treating myself with gentleness and grace, I will continue to do so, and I know that my work will resonate with those people who need to read it and hear it the most.

~ Pierre Bohemier, a songwriter who enjoys exploring and listening for possible song titles and lyrics as he goes about everyday life. 

How powerful to recognize that not everyone will love what we write, but that doesn’t make our work unlovable. Putting ourselves out there is a recognition that our writing has value beyond the feedback – and it is a statement that we’re going to invest in it, even though we feel vulnerable. 

Adopting this perspective can be a challenge, but treating ourselves with gentleness and grace can help. We can take a deep breath in and focus on the ways our words will resonate with those who need to read them the most. 

As Pierre’s insights show us, this perspective allows us to put our energy into believing in our work and celebrating the act of putting ourselves out there, while also recognizing that our writing has value beyond how it is received.


Choosing Brave

Thoughts and Inspiration